JIC formed to probe Mach incident

Updated 08 Jan, 2021

QUETTA: The Balochistan government on Thursday constituted a Joint Investigation Committee to probe the tragic Mach incident, where 11 colliers were killed by the terrorists on January 3. The decision to the effect was taken at a high level meeting here chaired by Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan.

Chief Secretary Captain Fazeel Asghar (R) briefed the meeting about terror incident and the sit-in of the Hazara community. He said seven of the victims were Afghan nationals, however, the Afghan government had requested for handing over three dead bodies.

The Chief Minister expressed his displeasure over the failure of Mines and Labor Department to compile adequate data of the coal miners. The meeting also decided to initiate an inquiry against the departments concerned for negligence in discharging their responsibilities to avoid Mach incident.

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