Qureshi phones Saudi, Qatari and Bahraini counterparts

Updated 08 Jan, 2021

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Thursday telephoned his Saudi, Qatari, and Bahraini counterparts, and appreciated the positive developments that led to a successful holding of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) summit in Al-Ula, Saudi Arabia on Tuesday.

According to a Foreign Office statement, Foreign Minister Qureshi held a telephonic conversation with the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, and congratulated him on holding a successful Summit of the GCC.

"The Foreign Minister appreciated the positive role played by Saudi Arabia in the resolution of outstanding issues among the members of the GCC," it stated, adding that Qureshi hoped that the spirit of cooperation exhibited at the GCC-Summit in Al-Ula will promote confidence and cooperation among the GCC countries, and will also contribute towards enhanced regional peace, security, and development.

Foreign Minister Qureshi thanked the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for its support during the 47th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers in Niamey, in November 2020, in particular for the adoption of OIC resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir dispute and combating Islamophobia.

It added that the two foreign ministers discussed ways to further deepen and expand bilateral relations and collaborate closely in multilateral organizations. They also agreed to continue mutual consultations on regional and global issues of common interest.

Foreign Minister Qureshi said he looked forward to receiving the Saudi foreign minister in Islamabad, at an early date. Sources said that the Saudi foreign minister is also due to arrive in Pakistan next week along with a high-level delegation.

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Qureshi also held a telephonic conversation with the Foreign Minister of Qatar Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani. Qureshi appreciated the positive developments that led to a successful GCC Summit in Al-Ula, Saudi Arabia.

He hoped that the spirit of cooperation in the GCC Summit will augur well for enhanced confidence and cooperation among the countries of the organization. Foreign Minister Qureshi also acknowledged the constructive and supportive role played by Qatar towards Afghan peace process.

"The two foreign ministers discussed ways to further strengthen and diversify bilateral relations and enhance collaboration in multilateral organizations. The two foreign ministers agreed to continue engaging on regional and global issues and working to further strengthen bilateral ties," said the Foreign Office statement.

In his telephonic conversation with Bahrain's Foreign Minister Dr Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayani and discussed issues of mutual interest, including bilateral relations and diplomatic efforts to resolve long-standing disputes between the Gulf countries.

The foreign minister appreciated the positive development of the Gulf States in resolving the long-standing bilateral disputes and termed it as an encouraging step towards peace and stability in the region, said a Foreign Office statement separately.

Bahrain News Agency reported that the two foreign ministers reviewed the cooperation and friendly relations between the two countries, and the efforts made to strengthen the various aspects of cooperation and joint coordination for common interests. A number of regional and international issues of mutual interest and developments in the region were also discussed, it further reported.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2021

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