Balochistan CM decides to hold talks with protestors

Updated 07 Jan, 2021

QUETTA: Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan has strongly condemned the Mach incident again and announced to hold talks with the people protesting against the massacre.

Balochistan CM Jam Kamal Khan has expressed sorrow over the Mach incident. He said that the federal minister Ali Zaidi and Zulfiqar Bukhari had arrived in the city after the visit of the interior minister Sheikh Rashid.

Addressing a press conference along with Federal Minister Ali Zaidi, Jam Kamal said that it is responsibility of government to protect lives of people. “We are working from day one to end terrorism,” he added.

The Chief Minister said that he was abroad when the sorrowful incident took place on January 3. He continued that he chaired a session to review law and order situation immediately after reaching Balochistan.

“Those holding sit-ins are our brothers. All of us are here to show our seriousness over the issue. We will hold talks with those holding sit-ins against Mach incident.”

Jam Kamal said that the provincial government wanted to see unity among all communities in Balochistan. He detailed that terror incidents have significantly reduced in Balochistan during the last two years after its citizens especially Hazara community witnessed a difficult period of 10 years.

The enemies of Pakistan and Balochistan are fuelling terrorism to create chaos, he added. “We are trying to reach out to the victims’ families where ever they are.”

He assured that the President, Prime Minister and other ministers will also arrive in the province. He said Prime Minister Imran Khan will definitely visit Balochistan.

The Chief Minister said that the government will hold dialogues with the protestors to convince them to complete the burial of the victims.

He urged protestors of Hazara community don’t make burial of slain coal miners conditional with arrival of Prime Minister Imran Khan. He said that government worked hard in past 2.5 years to establish sense of brotherhood in the province and law and order situation remained relatively better in Balochistan; however, enemies of the country don’t like this unity between people and want to spread unrest in the country.

On the occasion, Ali Zaidi said that enemies of state are involved in such activities as people like Indian spy Kulbhushan Yadav were also arrested from here.

The minister said that he has talked to PM Imran Khan regarding visit to Quetta; however urged protestors not to make burial of 10 slain coal miners conditional to something.

On the other hand, the families and relatives of ten slain miners, who were shot dead in Mach area of Balochistan province on Sunday, continue their sit-in on Quetta’s Western Bypass with dead bodies on fourth day Wednesday.

The protesters have announced that their demonstration will continue until Prime Minister Imran Khan’s arrival, and dialogue will now only be held with the premier.Earlier, the Hazara community members had continued their protest against the Mach incident for a second consecutive day despite the federal government’s assurance to the affected families of action against culprits.

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