Sindh Assembly condemns Mach massacre

07 Jan, 2021

KARACHI: The Sindh Assembly on Wednesday passed a joint resolution to condemn the deadly Mach incident, but the treasury alleged the PTI coalition government is behind turning the national action plan ‘dormant’.

The joint resolution, which the PTI, MQM and ruling PPP had presented in the house, received a unanimous vote to condemn Mach, Balochistan terror incident, which left at least 11 coal miners dead.

“Work on national action plan has been stopped after this [PTI] government (has assumed power),” Sindh Information Minister, Syed Nasir Hussain Shah told the legislature while debating the resolution.

He showed solidarity with the victims’ families and deplored the terrorism in Mach, Bolan District of Balochistan. “It is the need of the hour to continue national action plan,” he said while blaming India for the terrorism.

He also asked premier, Imran Khan to pay a visit to the protesting families of the killed coal miners.

“They [coal miners] were killed after being identified as members of Hazara community,” MQM’s legislator, Muhammad Hussain Khan said.

Showing sympathy with the victims’ families, he asked the federal government to take notice of the terror incidents. He said that the members of Hazara community are nowhere safe from terrorism in the country.

“This [Hazara community] is an innocent community whose labourers were brutally killed (by terrorists),” PTI’s parliamentary leader, Haleem Adil Shaikh said while supporting the resolution.

He said that the terrorists who claimed the responsibility of killing the labourers are mainly aiming at undermining Pakistan. “Terrorists killed people of every community,” he added.

He also supported the PPP’s appeal that the premier should visit the victims’ families. He said that the terrorists martyred thousands of Pak army soldiers.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2021

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