Khuhro demands trial under Article 6 against vote stealers

Updated 06 Jan, 2021

LARKANA: Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Sindh President Nisar Ahmad Khuhro has said that Article 6 should also be applied to those who steal votes in the elections along with the constitutional violators.

“The PPP is awaiting Supreme Court decision on the judicial murder of Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto while the decision on the reference is still pending. It seems that the decision of the Shaheed Bhutto reference case is not being taken as a result of any pressure,” he expressed these views while addressing Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s 93rd birthday at Arts Council Larkana.

Khuhro said that the then Justice Naseem Hassan Shah had confessed that the decision to harass Shaheed Bhutto was taken by force, so after his confession, the court should admit the mistake of Shaheed Bhutto’s decision and President Asif Ali Zardari’s reference to the murder of Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto should be corrected.

He said that it seemed that there are two separate laws for elite and public representatives in the country. He said: “The federal ministers, including the Prime Minister, do not even talk about bringing back the treacherous dictator Pervez Musharraf.”

Khuhro said that if the Prime Minister is powerful then the treacherous Pervez Musharraf should be brought back and punished under Article 6. He said that he would tolerate difficulties but send the government home with the power of the people. He said that the graveyard of sacrifices for the people like Garhi Khuda Bux Bhutto does not belong to any other party and the leaders of no other party besides the Bhutto family have made such sacrifices.

Khuhro said that there should be no interference of the institutions in politics. All the institutions should work in their own jurisdiction only then there will be stability in the country and the country will be on the path of development. He said that the federal government of PTI was nothing but a thief.

The present PTI government wanted to run the country on one unit basis and Prime Minister Imran Khan strongly believed in federalism and he intended to snatch 18th Amendment and autonomy of the provinces.

He said that efforts were being made to wrest the rights of the provinces and strengthen the centre of Islamabad by taking money from the provinces. But we will not allow the division of the autonomous provinces. He said that the Prime Minister ruined the economy in the process of inefficiency and learning, as the prices of electricity, petrol, gas, medicines and food items had been made expensive but the Prime Minister had no concern for the poverty-ridden people and he was still learning.

He said the people were not ready to tolerate this government for one more day. He said that it was not a matter of the inexperienced Prime Minister to run the country, now that Imran Khan’s allies were fed up with him, the prime minister should resign and go home and give the people a chance to decide again by holding new elections. He said that in Balochistan, Mach had suffered a great injustice to the oppressed Hazara community but the Prime Minister was missing. Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s 93rd birthday cake was also cut on the occasion.

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