Three executed in Iran

Updated 04 Jan, 2021

TEHRAN: Iran’s judiciary hanged two men on Sunday for “terrorist acts” and another for murder and armed robbery, the body’s official Mizan Online news agency said.

The three were executed early Sunday morning in the southeastern Sistan-Baluchistan province.

Two were named as Hassan Dehvari and Elias Qalandarzehi, arrested in April 2014 after being found with “a large amount of explosives” and weapons.

The pair were convicted of the abduction, bombing, murder of security forces and civilians, and of working with the jihadist Jaish al-Adl (“Army of Justice”) group, Mizan said.

Dehvari and Qalandarzehi were also arrested in possession of documents from Jaish al-Adl on “how to make bombs” as well as “takfiri fatwas”, terms used by Iran’s Shia authorities to refer to decrees issued by Sunni jihadists.

Jaish al-Adl has carried out several high-profile bombings and abductions in Iran in recent years. In February 2019, 27 members of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards were killed in a suicide attack claimed by the group.

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