'Smart' lockdown or ...?

Updated 08 Dec, 2020

I am an active member of the retail sector, taxpayer, integrated with FBR and a concerned member of the Retail fraternity. The prevalent situation is impacting everyone around the Globe; while our Smart lockdown may be an effective model to manage spread of Covid-19, we must be more flexible to make it efficient. Nations reacting quickly to the needs of the population have reduced the impact of Covid-19 on business and personal lives.

The case in point is the UK - I believe that the UK went into a second full lockdown in November so they could reopen in the peak Christmas trading season starting early December. A pre-emptive measure to give a boost to the economy when impetus is in sight. The stores are now open, the businesses have picked up momentum quickly and consumers are excited to buy gifts for their loved ones for the Christmas season. In order to support the businesses and give a safe environment to consumers, the government is further considering announcing extended hours of operations, in markets and malls where SOPs can be easily monitored.

Opening at 6am, as suggested for our markets, is not extended hours. Not many would be willing to go to a mall at 6am. Closing later at midnight is extended hours. Extended hours distribute the traffic to malls, restaurants, shops and markets across longer hours, reducing crowds at any given time, better social distancing, hence reducing the spread of the virus, while at the same time, giving the opportunity to all businesses to maximise the potential in the peak season. Certain markets, specially malls, can be monitored easily and, as points of entry are limited, can be managed easily if SOPs are being ignored.

Much effort is needed to recuperate a small portion of the losses suffered by innumerable businesses in the last 10 months, and this may be one such initiative leading to a win-win for all stakeholders.

M. Yasin or a 'Covid-Affected-Retail Operator'

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020

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