Gilgit Baltistan Assembly elects PTI's Khalid Khurshid as CM

  • Khurshid managed to secure 22 votes while Pakistan Peoples Party candidate Amjad Advocate only bagged nine votes
Updated 30 Nov, 2020

(Karachi) The Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) Assembly has elected Barrister Khalid Khurshid as the new chief minister of the region, ARY News reported on Monday.

As per details, 31 GB Assembly members took part in voting for the key post. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf candidate Khalid Khurshid managed to secure 22 votes while Pakistan Peoples Party candidate Amjad Advocate only bagged nine votes.

Amjad Advocate will now lead the Assembly as the Opposition leader.

The GB legislature consists of a total of 33 members; 24 directly elected and nine on reserved seats. At least 21 members belong to PTI while the PPP emerged as the second largest party in the assembly with four members.

Besides, PTI's Syed Amjad Zaidi and Nazir Advocate were elected as Speaker and Deputy Speaker of Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly respectively.

In the Gilgit-Baltistan Assembly session, the election of Speaker and Deputy Speaker was carried out by secret ballot.

GB Assembly Speaker Fida Mohammad Nashad said that Zaidi got 18 out of 23 votes in the election while Opposition Alliance candidate for Speaker Ghulam Muhammad got 8 out of 9 votes out of which 2 votes were lost.

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