Pakistan presents alarming evidence of Indian involvement in APS Attack

  • Pakistan has provided alarming evidence of the unprecedented scale of Indian state-sponsored terrorism in the country.
Updated 14 Nov, 2020

In a recent press conference by Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi and the Director General Inter-Services Public Relations (DG ISPR), Pakistan has provided alarming evidence of the unprecedented scale of Indian state-sponsored terrorism in the country.

In the presser, letters, financial transactions, audio clips and other evidence was provided, which revealed that the Indian intelligence and security apparatus has been funding terrorist and separatist outfits in Pakistan; in an attempt to create havoc in the country.

Two Indian intelligence agencies, including the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW) and the DIA, were named as responsible for harbouring, financing and training terrorist groups in Pakistani soil; with almost a million dollars in Indian embassy funds being funneled to facilitate the merger of the Pakistan Taliban in 2019.

Attacks on the Pakistan Stock Exchange, the Chinese Consulate, Pearl Continental Hotel in Gwadar, and especially the massacre of countless children in the Peshawar Public School Attack have all been heavily linked to Indian intelligence spheres.

The mastermind of the Peshawar Attack, one of the worst terrorist incidents in Pakistan's history, Malik Faridoon was in direct contact with the Indian consulate in Jalalabad. There has also been tangible evidence through financial transactions and phone records, that Indian intelligence agencies were funding and facilitating U.N. designated terrorist organisations such as the TTP and BLA.

132 children were killed in the Peshawar Army Public School Attack, which was etched onto the country's collective memory and marked yet another tragic chapter in the country's battle against terrorism and extremism. Speculation ran unabated in its aftermath, as today's press conference revealed that Pakistan's intelligence apparatus has remained in-tune with Indian efforts to destabilise the country.

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