Ready for dialogue with establishment if PTI removed from power: Maryam Nawaz

Updated 12 Nov, 2020

Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) vice-president Maryam Nawaz has said that her party is ready for dialogue with the military establishment if Pakistan Tehreek –e-Insaf (PTI) is thrown out of power.

Maryam made these comments while talking to BBC Urdu. "The army is my institution," said Maryam. "We will definitely talk but within the ambit of the Constitution."

She said that her party is not against the state institutions and ruled out any dialogue in secret.

The "incumbent government will have to go if we are to move forward", she added.

The PML-N leader claimed that "establishment had reached out to her close aides" but had not "contacted her directly".

She refused to comment on "minus-Imran Khan" strategy saying it was necessary to remove the PTI government to take the country out of its current crisis.

Maryam said, "The biggest issue is that people's mandate was stolen. We need free and fair elections."

"It is time for the incumbent government to be held accountable," she added.

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