President Trump enjoys massive support from counties worst hit by COVID-19

  • President Trump continues to enjoy enormous support in the counties where the virus had the worse impact.
Updated 06 Nov, 2020

According to a report by the Associated Press, President Trump continues to enjoy enormous support in the counties where the virus had the worse impact.

Out of a total of 376 counties which have the highest number of new cases per capita, an overwhelming majority (or 93%) voted for President Trump.

Most of these areas comprised of rural counties, which have noticeably lower rates of adherence to social distancing and other public health measures, including counties such as Montana, the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa and Wisconsin. The lack of adherence to public health measures led to these areas becoming a "hot-spot" for the virus.

With the election finally in its latter stages, state health officials aim to reframe their messaging, especially as cases are on the rise.

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