President for translating Pakistan-Bosnia goodwill into substantive cooperation

  • The two Presidents also agreed that Pakistan and Bosnia & Herzegovina must continue to work closely in areas of mutual interest.
05 Nov, 2020

ISLAMABAD: President Dr. Arif Alvi on Thursday said that there was a need to translate the goodwill between Pakistan and Bosnia and Herzegovina into substantive cooperation.

He expressed these views during a meeting with Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sefik Dzaferovic here at Aiwan-e-Sadr.

The president extended a warm welcome to the Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and expressed satisfaction over the warm and brotherly relations between the two countries.

He added that the Chairman's visit would further strengthen and deepen the fraternal relations between Pakistan and Bosnia & Herzegovina.

Both leaders underlined the need for further expansion in the bilateral relationship in diverse areas including political, economic, cultural, defence and people-to-people contacts.

President Alvi apprised the Chairman on the grave and systematic human rights violations in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK) as well as the illegal and unilateral actions of Indian Government of 5 August 2019 which were against UNSC Resolutions, international law and 4th Geneva Convention.

India's belligerent attitude was a threat to regional peace and security, he added.

The two leaders affirmed that both countries would continue to extend mutual support on issues of each other's core national interest.

The two Presidents also agreed that Pakistan and Bosnia & Herzegovina must continue to work closely in areas of mutual interest.

Later in a tweet, the president said that he had a "very detailed discussion" with Bosnian president on mutual relations that were set to keep on improving.

Thanking him on Bosnian principled stance on Kashmir, the president said that Bosnia and Herzegovina suffered from ethnic cleansing and efforts to change demography like the one being attempted in Kashmir.

After his meeting, the president also conferred the Award of Nishan-e-Pakistan on the visiting dignitary in recognition of his services to strengthen bilateral relations, at a special investiture ceremony.

The president later hosted a banquet in honour of the Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina and his entourage.

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