Economy top concerns for U.S. voters: exit polls

  • Two out of 10 said COVID-19, which has infected more than 9.4 million people in the United States this year and killed more than 230,000.
04 Nov, 2020

The coronavirus and the economy were top of mind for about half of U.S. voters as they headed to the ballot box, according to an Edison Research exit poll on Tuesday.

Two out of 10 said COVID-19, which has infected more than 9.4 million people in the United States this year and killed more than 230,000, was the most important issue to them when deciding their choice for president.

Three in 10 cited the economy as the top issue.

Edison, which compiles exit polls and live election results for the National Election Pool media consortium, found that four in 10 think that the country’s efforts to contain the coronavirus are going “very badly.”

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