NASA to provide millions to install cellular towers on the moon

  • The US space agency NASA has said it will provide $14 million to technology company Nokia to install 4G cellular towers.
19 Oct, 2020

The US space agency NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has said it will collaborate with Finnish Information technology company Nokia to install 4G cellular towers on the moon.

According to details, the US space agency is trying to improve the communication links between the astronauts, which is why they decided to help Nokia in this work.

The US space agency NASA has said it will provide $14 million to technology company Nokia to install 4G cellular towers.

Nokia's Associate Administrator James Reuters said: "With NASA funding, we will consider how to modify the ground technology and improve the communication system, taking into account the lunar environment.”

The agreement is part of NASA's new Artemis project, in which NASA is providing a total of $370 million in funding to various companies, with the bulk of the money going to companies such as SpaceX and the United Launch Alliance.

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