Motorway suspect's arrest: LHC CJ expresses displeasure over offering rewards to police

  • Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar had announced a Rs5 million reward for Provincial Police Chief Inam Ghani and his team
14 Oct, 2020

(Karachi) The Lahore High Court (LHC) Chief Justice Muhammad Qasim Khan has expressed displeasure over government's step to offer rewards to police officials for nabbing prime suspect in Motorway rape case, Abid Malhi, media reported on Wednesday.

The court was hearing a case pertaining to land grabbing by police.

During the proceedings, LHC chief justice asked why police should be rewarded for arresting a suspect when it was their responsibility to do so. "Should a police officer wait for a reward before catching a suspect?" he questioned.

He remarked, "Is it not the job of police to catch a suspect? If they don't do that, what will they do? This is a new technique by the Punjab government."

On October 13, Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar announced a Rs5 million reward for Provincial Police Chief Inam Ghani and his team for arresting Abid Malhi, who had been on the run for almost month after allegedly raping a woman on Motorway.

The chief minister appreciated the efforts of IG Punjab and the investigation team on tracing the suspect. He stated the Punjab Police used scientific investigative methods to nab culprit Abid Malhi.

Abid Malhi was arrested from Faisalabad. As part of the operation, Malhi's wife was given a SIM which she used to call him.

Abid Malhi told his wife in one of his calls that he would meet her in Faisalabad. When the motorway rape suspect arrived in the city to meet her, he was arrested by police officials deputed on the spot in plain clothes.

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