Pakistan, UK hold consultation on arms control, non-proliferation

  • Both sides also discussed issues related to global and regional security and stability in a cordial and constructive environment
14 Oct, 2020

(Karachi) Pakistan and the United Kingdom held the fifth round of bilateral consultations on arms control, non-proliferation and disarmament, a statement issued by Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated on Wednesday

Director-General Arms Control and Disarmament at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mohammad Kamran Akhtar represented Pakistan while UK Director-General and International Security Samantha Job represented the United Kingdom.

In addition, both sides also discussed issues related to global and regional security and stability in a cordial and constructive environment.

Both the Pakistani and British counterparts expressed commitment to further enhance coordination on various multilateral forums. Both countries also appreciated the continuation of the arms control, non-proliferation and disarmament consultations. Pakistan and the UK agreed to hold the following meeting next year on a mutually agreed date.

The two sides agreed to hold the sixth round of consultations next year on a mutually agreed date.

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