PTI intensifies contacts at public level

12 Oct, 2020

LAHORE: As the opposition parties are gearing up arrangements for their “massive” anti-government rally in Gujranwala on October 16, the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has intensified its contacts at public level to play its full role in “solving problems of the people”.

The direction to intensify the contacts at public level was given by Punjab Senior Minister Abdul Aleem Khan while talking to a delegation of the party workers, here on Sunday. “Under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan, Pakistan has successfully faced various challenges and helped the country out of crisis as well as put it on the path of development and prosperity,” Aleem told the delegation.

The senior minister claimed that the economic indicators are a clear reflection of the country’s stability and development, adding that increase in exports and reduction in imports is a welcoming development while the uplift of the industrial sector is also increasing which would add employment opportunities as well.

He said the prime minister wants to develop the country on “solid basis” for which concrete policies with far-reaching results are being introduced. He said that despite all the difficulties, the present government was implementing its manifesto and the shortcomings of the previous rulers were being addressed.

“There is no importance of negative propaganda and the present government under the leadership of Imran Khan will have to complete its term,” he said, adding that the government was using all its resources to solve the problems of the people and the developmental works would be completed rapidly in the next three years. On the occasion, the party workers appreciated the efforts of the Punjab government in areas of NA-129 and PP-158. They, however, pointed out some issues of different areas while the minister assured them of addressing their all genuine concerns.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020

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