PARTLY FACETIOUS: Pemra has acted swiftly

03 Oct, 2020

"The regulator Pemra has acted swiftly and banned the airing of any speech by a convicted felon and..."

"How swiftly did Pemra act - I saw the entire speech though the channels with higher viewership ended the speech much sooner than those with a small number of viewers."

"I reckon the notification may have been issued during the speech which means that the courier who went from channel to channel delivering the notification......"

"Hey this is 2020, you don't need to write letters or to use the postal system, sorry Murad Saeed I truly think you are doing a fantastic job, anyway there is the email, and there is the social media...."

"I was being facetious; The Khan used the social media extremely effectively when he was not the prime minister and I would urge him to remember two factors associated with that medium. First it is difficult to control by any government and rather a challenge for the government to catch anyone who places offending material on a social media site and does not want to be identified and second the Federal Investigation Agency's cyber wing performance to date has been rather poor..."

"That's true and banning offending material from being aired on the 70 plus private television channels is not going to cut it because these channels viewer ship is limited to major cities and towns, locations where The Khan's major support base resides....and not in villages where PTV has a monopoly...."

"That's my second point which is The Khan's youth supporters, like the youth in the rest of the world, is curious and is likely to go on the social media to access all offending material...."

"Hmmm....anyway Pemra as a regulator acted on its own and...and what's so funny."

"Yes I did hear Fawad Chaudhary say it but he added that he is against censorship of all forms and urged the PML-N to seek redress in the court and..."

"I would urge The Khan to keep two facts in mind. First, over 12 crores voted for Nawaz Sharif in 2018 after his conviction, and after the his Musharraf brokered exile Nawaz Sharif returned and was elected prime minister for the third time, Zardari sahib's party won more than 6 crore votes while PTI won around 16.5 crores only. And second, the poor governance for the last two years which has seen a massive erosion of the value of each rupee earned may present a serious challenge to get the same number of votes as in 2018."

"I have a question, what was Ishaq Dar doing wearing glasses and writing away during the last hour of Nawaz Sharif's speech."

"He was writing an affidavit, he has a past record of writing by hand pages upon pages of...."

"Don't be facetious."

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020

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