Pakistani cop wins UN’s best police officer of Asia award

Sajjid Khan was awarded for his services for the UN peacekeeping mission in Kosovo.
Updated 02 Oct, 2020

Sajjid Khan, a cop from Pakistan has been honoured with the Best Police Officer of Asia award by the United Nations (UN) for his services for the UN peacekeeping mission in Kosovo.

Hails from the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan, Sajjid, was recognised for his services as Legal Liaison Officer in Kosovo for conducted investigations of various cases of prosecution against Muslims and other criminal cases in the International Court of Justice, media outlets reported.

Superintendent of police (SP) Sajjad, had represented Pakistan in the UN Peacekeeping Mission from 2009 to 2012, and he was deployed as the Team Leader in Kosovo’s capital, Pristina. Apart from that, the SP Khan also served in the mission from 2007 to 2008 as the Interpol Investigation Officer while for the third time, he was assigned additional responsibilities as Interpol Legal Liaison Officer and Admin and Logistic Officer.

While expressing pleasure after winning the award, SP Sajjad Khan has said that serving in Kosovo was nothing less than a challenge.

He also called on young police officers deployed in UN Peacekeeping Missions around the world to understand the indigenous culture of the countries where they are posted.

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