Facebook introduces messaging feature

02 Oct, 2020

KARACHI: Facebook has introduced a new messaging feature which ties-up Instagram and Messenger in Pakistan.

According to Facebook announcement, users will have an upgrade to Messenger and experience new messaging features, including cross-app communication between two people at a time. People already using Messenger, as well as new joiners will automatically get the new messaging experience.

This upgrade was rolled out in August, with the testing beginning from Algeria, Argentina, Chile and Malaysia, and is now available across Canada, Pakistan, Peru and Taiwan. The feature is currently being tested, and feedback is being gathered from users to further improve the overall messaging experience. Simultaneously, the company is also developing enhanced privacy controls and safety measures.

According to Facebook, no matter which app is being used, Facebook want to ensure that messaging is fast, reliable, and fun.

Messaging has come a long way since the early days of texting. These days, users are using video calls to stay connected instead of hanging out in person, using memes and GIFs to say and sending funny photos, videos, and voice notes to close friends.

Private messaging is one of the fastest growing forms of online communication, with more than 100 billion messages sent on Facebook's services every day. Everyone on Instagram and Messenger will be discoverable across apps even if they do not upgrade. Messenger will be undergoing a brand refresh through a new logo at the same time.

This update includes more than 10 new features to make users' conversations more fun, such as Watch Together where user can share a trending post or catch up on favourite TV show; Selfie Stickers, a unique hybrid of Boomerang, emojis, and selfies - to react to conversations, and Vanish Mode, where messages automatically disappear after they're seen.

Users will also have more control over who can message them directly, and who can't message them at all.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020

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