Army, govt on same page: governor

28 Sep, 2020

LAHORE: Governor Punjab Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar in a meeting with Federal Minister of Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry, here Sunday said that the government, Pakistan army and all other national institutes are on the same page while the opposition wants to halt the process of accountability but it is not going to happen.

Both discussed various national and political matters.

Governor Sarwar said: “Agenda of our government is development and prosperity of Pakistan but the political opponents want turmoil which Pakistan cannot afford amid multiple challenges.” The opposition must play its role to strengthen the parliament and democracy rather than resorting to protests, he said.

He said that the opposition wants to halt the process of accountability but this is not going to happen. Transparent accountability without any discrimination is indispensable for the progress and development of Pakistan. Those who are criticising national institutes will not be forgiven by the public and 220 million Pakistanis are proud of Pakistan army who defend our borders and ensure our security, he added.

Federal Minister Fawad Chaudhry said that the government has no danger from protests of the opposition. General elections will be held in 2023 and the opposition will fail once again. Our government is taking practical steps to uplift poor segments of the population, he said.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020

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