Partly Facetious: Seeking protection through legislations

11 Jul, 2012

"The contempt of court bill was passed."
"It didn't require a two-third majority, only a simple majority."
"So you reckon it would protect Raja and if so why wasn't this law brought earlier."
"You and your conspiracy theories, let me assure you that the President has as much confidence in Gilani's loyalty as he did when he appointed him as the Prime Minister irrespective of stories to the contrary."
"I thought he was unanimously elected by parliament."
"Yes he was and it just goes to show how much the PPP has lost in terms of support in parliament."
"You can't resist it can you?"
"Well, no I can't but I have two questions for you? First, there is no mention of any office being exempt so you can't say it is Raja-specific, can you? And second, the drafter of the bill is not Aitzaz Ahsan, so is he in the boondocks again for losing Gilani's case?"
"The first question is easy to answer and many say not making it office-specific was the reason why the PML (N) did not make too much of a racket while it was being passed by the assembly. But I would like to draw your attention to a particular contempt case that is ongoing and which involves someone who people maintain is the wealthiest and the most influential man in the country, and who has been so for several decades as he is apolitical and wants everyone to benefit..."
"Except Chaudhry Nisar."
"Granted, so the first clause of the bill notes that what would not amount to contempt is when "fair comments about the general working of courts made after the pendency of the proceedings in a case, in good faith and in temperate language."
"Did Malik Riaz not refer to the Chief Justice's son as a don of the judiciary in a press conference?"
"I am sure his lawyer will argue it is a fair comment and temperate language was used."
"Ah indeed, so this may be struck down by the judiciary?"
"Possible which is why Aitzaz Ahsan went on an extended tour of the West!"
"He said he was going to deliver lectures."
"Yes I believe he is on the lecture circuit, isn't Musharraf on that too?"
"Indeed, that explains why his popularity graph with the cochairman is not steady!"

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