Partly Facetious: But if public loves the...

21 Aug, 2020

ARTICLE: "There is one flawed assumption made by all our prime ministers and presidents during the decades when power resided in the presidency notwithstanding our constitution."

"Let me guess, that they are indispensable, that the public loves them and will continue to love them irrespective of what they do and whatever they say is the correct narrative..."

"Right, egotistical to the nth degree and those who were humble to start with pretty soon are convinced by the army of trained sycophants...."

"Trained indeed, they have gathered experience in sycophancy by kowtowing to different administrations."

"Indeed, the two year claims by the army of ministers sitting in the Press Information Department (PID) that is run on the taxpayers' money...."

"Let me remind you that the audience was not you but the Prime Minister."

"Perhaps anyway The Khan and cabinet members reckon they are here to stay, and Nawaz Sharif and Zardari are spent forces and..."

"Nawaz Sharif called up Bilawal."

"Right but Nawaz Sharif never ever stopped issuing instructions to his party's executive committee members, in jail or out of jail, in hospital or in his London flat and I reckon the two brothers are playing the proverbial good cop bad cop."

"Right anyway The Khan and his Khanzadehs must be reminded that they won 16.9 million votes in 2018 while PML-N won 12.9 million votes and this in spite of Nawaz Sharif's conviction and while the Khanzadehs won 149 seats in the national assembly against only 35 in 2013, PML-N still won 82 seats against 166 in 2013 wait...wait....PPP won more seats in 2018 relative to 2013 - 54 seats in 2018 against 42 seats in 2013..."

"And the PML-N won more seats in Buzzland than The Khan however The Khan's performance during the two years would ensure that all 12.9 million voters abandon PML-N and 6.9 million voters who voted for PPP in 2018 abandon that party...."

"Together PML-N and PPP won more than the PTI in 2018!"

"Indeed my point is that the common man is not going to be convinced by the claims made by the Khanzadehs displayed on the rostrum in PID, the beneficiaries of The Khan's largesse, but in what the money in his pocket can buy today...."

"Current account deficit...."

"And that narrative is akin to the snake charmer playing the flute....."

"The snakes do kind of sway with the music..."

"Science says that the snake is not swaying because of the music but because of the flute player swaying to the beat of his own music..."

"And that's the perception problem with our Khan and his Khanzadehs!"

"Same o same o, no different from previous administrations, I wish someone would learn a lesson...."

"Give Pakistani politicians another half century to learn lessons - I mean Science lost in terms of the moon calendar again right?!"

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020

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