The essence of sacrifice

27 Jul, 2020

ARTICLE: This Eid is special. Its timing is important. A lot is being said about be careful and wise. Everybody is thinking, talking and debating about behavior change on this Eid. Most of the debate is due to the disastrous carelessness shown by public on last Eid. All warnings thus are justified. However, there is a bigger and deeper debate that needs to take place- the debate about what is the true meaning of this Eid? What is purpose of this festival; what is the spirit of the traditions? What are its governing values? What is the code of conduct it implies? What does it really stand for? And perhaps that is the reason that these occasions have become symbolic of mindless fulfilling of traditions and rituals than reminders and refreshers of being human.

COVID-19 has shaken up a lot of debate and discussion on nearly everything. The restrictions people have and are undergoing have led to a lot of introspection. Lockdowns have made people realize the worth of so many things that were taken for granted in life. A handshake, a coffee in your favourite café, hugging a friend, a selfie of group colleagues, a surprise drop in to a relative, a retreat with employees, a shopping trip with parents in a mall, small talk with a passenger sitting next to you in a plane and so many others. The social, emotional limitations imposed by the distancing required have been felt and expressed freely. However much more needs to be said and reviewed on many other issues to develop a more peaceful and fulfilled world.

After months of posting and sharing views on the virtues of having family time and avoiding materialism, etc., one expected some behavioural change in people. When the lockdown was eased just before Eidul FItr it was a reminder of how short human memories are and how much lip service we render when we are pushed in tight corners. People from all classes behaved as if this was the only time to buy, visit, party as never before. The resultant spiraling infectivity and mortality shocked people into safety again. That is why the coming Eidul Azha is being considered a danger period again. There are warnings, statements and strict action plans. All centering around the theme appeal of control and behave yourself.

Appeals to people talk about two weeks only. And then as if it is all OK after that. But it is not OK. Eids are moments of festivity and they carry a message too. Eidul Azha especially is known as an Eid for "Qurbani", i.e., sacrifice. The general understanding of the significance of this Eid is the ritual of the sacrifice of a goat, etc. The idea is to distribute the meat to the deserving and the poor who cannot afford to have meat. But it is much more than just a tradition of the sacrificial lamb. That core message is not propagated with the required depth and intensity. The meaning of sacrifice is to "give up (something valued) for the sake of other considerations". That perhaps is the gist of it. In this gist lies the core message of going beyond oneself.

The story of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) ready to sacrifice his son Hazrat Ismael (AS) on God's command as the basis for qurbani on this Eid is what true sacrifice is all about. The message is that sacrifice involves parting with your most precious possessions and maybe obsessions. Children are more important to us than everything else. Eidul Azha is about the ultimate sacrifice of your most loved possession for a higher cause. Sacrifice involves parting with something very dear to you. That means it will cause pain and anguish. It also means that with the right intent the action will be rewarded but its impact may not be immediately visible.

This Eid should renew the essence of sacrifice by:

  1. Sacrificing internally-The biggest fight is internal and within. The constant fight against one's own thoughts and mindsets is the biggest challenge a human being faces. It is easy to become biased, judgmental, negative and cynical. COVID-19 has had a multiplier effect on these human tendencies. The world is undergoing stress as never before. In our country the gloom-doom drumming has reached new levels. There was a race to paint the darkest picture of handling COVID-19 and the blackest scenario of the economic hardship. The easy whipping target was the government. This created more panic and hopelessness. However, till date both COVID-19 management and economy has not fared half as bad as predicted by the "enlightened minds". The real test is that will these minds who have made up their minds to see and paint hopelessness will be able to sacrifice their egos and their biases to accommodate other point of views that may spread some cheerfulness and hope? That means accepting that they may be wrong and a sacrifice of their self-righteousness and egos.

  2. Sacrificing traditionally- The ritual of going to markets and selecting animals can be sacrificed by following the Hajj tradition or ordering on line or through designated shops. Also as per tradition family and friends have barbeque get together to have a meat feast. Taking a cue from last Eid this should be sacrificed for a more immediate family gathering only.

  3. Sacrificing Externally- Hundreds of thousands of people will not be able to perform hajj this year. They will get a chance to do it in the future. However, the opportunity of contributing to the cause of COVID-19 by sacrificing some of their money will also be a form of sacrifice. There are hundreds of people unemployed and sick and they deserve help. By choosing families to support they will be making a great contribution.

No great purpose is achieved without sacrifice. Sacrifice includes all things big and small. It may be in the form of financial and material help to somebody needy. It may be in the form of fighting the demons of doubt and cynicism internally. Even continuing wearing a mask when it is hot, sticky and relatively safe is a sacrifice of your comfort. These small acts will set an example for others to follow. Going beyond yourself to serve somebody else and going above yourself to serve a higher purpose is the true spirit of sacrifice.

(The writer can be reached at

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020

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