Venezuela blasts US reward offer for capture of top official

23 Jul, 2020

CARACAS: Venezuela's government blasted a $5 million US reward offer for information leading to the arrest of the country's Supreme Court president, likening it to something out of the Wild West.

Washington "disrespects the Supreme Court of Justice, in the person of its president, Maikel Moreno, through false accusations and the offer of rewards in the style of the cowboys and the wild and far west," the foreign ministry said late Tuesday.

Venezuela "rejects once again the illegal and coercive actions of the Donald Trump government against the Venezuelan people and its constitutional institutions," it said.

US Secretary of the State Mike Pompeo had earlier announced the reward for information on Moreno, a key figure in the Venezuelan power structure whom the US accuses of corruption.

Moreno has been on the Treasury Department's black list since 2017. According to Pompeo, the Supreme Court president has received bribes in recent years to influence his decisions.

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