Apple pledges to be fully carbon neutral by 2030

  • The tech giant, which is already carbon neutral for its corporate operations, said the move would mean no climate impact for all its devices sold.
21 Jul, 2020

SAN FRANCISCO: Apple pledged Tuesday to be carbon neutral across its entire business, including its manufacturing supply chain, by 2030, in a stepped up push to fight climate change.

The tech giant, which is already carbon neutral for its corporate operations, said the move would mean no climate impact for all its devices sold.

As part of an environmental update, Apple said it plans to reduce emissions by 75 percent by 2030 while developing "innovative carbon removal solutions" for the remaining 25 percent of its comprehensive footprint.

This includes investing in projects to restore savannas in Kenya and a mangrove ecosystem in Colombia to remove or store carbon.

"Businesses have a profound opportunity to help build a more sustainable future, one born of our common concern for the planet we share," said Apple chief executive Tim Cook.

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