No proposal under consideration to curtail retirement age of govt servants: NA told

  • He said a propaganda had been carried on electronic media, adding if there would be any such proposal, Parliament would be the first forum to get the information.
20 Jul, 2020

ISLAMABAD: Adviser to the Prime Minister on Parliamentary Affairs Dr Babar Awan on Monday informed the National Assembly that no proposal was under consideration of the federal government to curtail retirement age of government servants from 60 to 55 years.

Responding to a calling attention notice regarding the government’s plan to limit the retirement age of government employees to 55 years, abolish pension and stop the annual increment in their salaries, he said, “At the moment there is absolutely no plan and no decision is taken by any authority at any level in the government in this regard.”

He said a propaganda had been carried on electronic media, adding if there would be any such proposal, Parliament would be the first forum to get the information.

The adviser said there was nothing till date about limiting the age of government employees and no such proposal was under consideration.

Responding to another question, he said, no proposal was under consideration to enhance the retirement age of judges.

The adviser also laid before the National Assembly the ordinance regarding the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020 (No. VII of 2020) as required by clause (2) of Article 89 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

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