SU organises webinar on climate change

16 Jul, 2020

HYDERABAD: De-forestation, excessive use of plastic ware, lack of rainfall, increased road and space traffic, population explosion, reduced agricultural yield, heat-surge and erosion of coastal area are some of the issues causing climate deterioration in Pakistan.

VC SU Prof Dr Fateh Muhammad Burfat said this at a webinar organised by SU Pakistan Study Centre on the theme 'Understanding Climate Change in Pakistan' with Founder/Chairperson National Dialogue on Climate Change (NDCC) Maliha Abbas Zaidi as the Guest Speaker.

"Universities need to sensitise youth in this highly significant aspect of sustainability of man's health and happiness on earth. I felicitate SU-PSC and its able Director Prof Dr Shuja Ahmed Mahesar and his team upon organising the webinar for world youth," Dr Burfat said.

The Vice Chancellor observed that Covid-19 had ushered an ad hoc respite in climate degeneration, allowing ecological landscape to improve. Yet concerted effort was required to nail the issue on permanent footing.

Maliha Zaidi said climate was a matter of global human concern. Mankind needed to understand the actual importance of the issue at hand and also needed to converge under one umbrella to be able to cope its virulent effects. She said the aim of NDCC was to raise public awareness to improve climate profile in Pakistan and the world.

Director SU-PSC Dr Mahesar, in his welcome address said temperatures would continue rising, heat wave would more strikingly hit major world parts, more droughts would occur, crop patterns would drastically alter, more diseases would break out if humanity did not take heed and healed state of affairs.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020

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