Balochistan extends smart lockdown for another 15 days

16 Jul, 2020

QUETTA: In view of the spread of Covid-19 cases in the province, the Balochistan government on Wednesday announced to extending the smart lockdown till July 30 with already in place Standard Operating Procedures.

According to the notification issued by the Balochistan government, in order to halt the spread of the deadly pandemic, ensure public safety conserve lives and maintain peace and tranquility in the province of Balochistan, the lockdown will be enforced in the province for another 15 days.

"There shall be a complete ban on public gatherings, sit-ins, processions, and rallies while It is wearing a mask would be mandatory for people, the notification read.

Hospitals, laboratories, blood banks, pharmaceutical and medicine supplies, food and food packing supplies units, Tandoors, dairy products shops, have been allowed to remain open 24 hours a day.

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