Audit body congratulates Akhtar Buland

29 Aug, 2011

Audit and Accounts Officers Association held a meeting on Sunday to express solidarity with the newly-appointed Auditor General of Pakistan (AGP) Akhtar Buland Rana on Sunday.
The meeting was chaired by President of Association Chaudhary Mohammad Ifthikar. The Association expressed satisfaction on the appointment of Buland Rana as AGP. They congratulated him for his elevation. They expressed hope that his appointment would help to improve the performance of audit department further.
The meeting also lauded that the contribution of Buland Rana towards audit and account department is commendable. The association in a statement appreciated his step to restore audit allowance for audit staff being additional AGP. The summary has been tabled to Ministry of Finance. The Association anticipated that he would work for the welfare of the audit staff that has been ignored since long.

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