Reconciliatory approach aimed at achieving political stability: Prime Minister

31 Jul, 2011

Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani on Saturday said that the objective of his politics of reconciliation is to bring political stability so as to bring economic stability as well. He said this while addressing the fourth edition of the Brands of the Year Award ceremony held at Sindh Governor House here.
Earlier, the Prime Minister presented the Awards to 183 winners under various categories. Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani said the stability in Karachi is imperative for economic stability of the country, which leads to overall political stability. He also expressed felicitations on organising peace walk in the Karachi and said participation of all political parties in the same made it successful.
He said after the holy month of Ramazan-ul-Mubarak, he will invite the winners of the Brands Award to the Prime Minister House in the Federal Capital. Speaking about Brands of the Year Award, the Prime Minister said this initiative has provided a forum to exhibit the most acclaimed brands of Pakistan every year, which are evaluated to determine their market standing and consumer preference.
Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani said that by the grace of God it is first time in the history of Pakistan that we are going to touch the export level of US $25 billion. Our forex reserves are now above US $18.20 billion and are increasing at a reasonable rate, he added.
The Prime Minister said the remittances from Pakistanis abroad are also touching an all time high level of US dollars 12 billion and we have made progress despite serious internal and external challenges. He was of the view that many of the challenges we face today are international, whether it is tackling climate change or fighting terrorism or global recessions, these problems require global solutions.
He said the countries, all over the world, are shaping and re-shaping their national identities and priorities as they compete with neighbours and regional blocks for power, influence and wealth. On the other side in business whatever may happen, the world economy will almost certainly double in size in the next 20 years, Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani added.
He said the winners will be the countries that can create high value added products and services and train people with the highest possible skills to make and create them. Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani said he has been apprised that this activity has attained the confidence of the business community.
He commended the management of the Brands of the Year Award" which, he said has now been transformed to a new thriving entity of a public company, that is, "Brands Foundation" as a non-profit organisation. This legal mandate will now entail more focus on national level projects and will objectively carry out the tasks, he added.

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