Fool-proof security measures taken in Multan

31 Jul, 2011

At least 156 mosques and Imambargahs in the Multan City were on Wednesday declared as 'sensitive' points as police finalised a comprehensive Ramazan plan to provide security to no less than 3,400 mosques and Imambargahs in the Punjab metropolis, police sources said here on Saturday.
They said that the police authorities have divided mosques and Imambargahs into three categories--A, B and C--to ensure a foolproof security to them. In the 'A'-category, there are 156 mosques and Imambargahs where police commandos will be deployed to avoid any untoward incident. Armed patrols will also be available in the areas where the 'A' category places of worship are situated. High police officials told the lower officials to utilise all possible resources and capabilities to ensure law and order during the holy month. They directed all divisional SPs and SHOs to ensure special patrols in their respective areas half an hour before the Maghrib and Fajr prayers. The SPs and SHOs have also been asked to visit the mosques and Imambargahs in their respective areas to ensure that foolproof security is in place. They have also been ordered not to depute any security guard without proper verification.
The use of loudspeakers would not be allowed, except for the Taraveeh prayers, [Arabic] Khutba, Azan and prayers. The police officers have been ordered to launch a strict legal action in case any violations of the above orders are committed in their areas.

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