Role of Tableeghi Jamaat: Moonis writes 'open' letter to President, Prime Minister

31 Jul, 2011

The central leader of Pakistan Muslim League-Q, Moonis Elahi, who is facing a case pertaining to NICL scam, has sent a strongly worded message to the President, the Prime Minister, parliamentarians, editors and bosses of national dailies and television channels in condemnation of the recently insinuating remarks allegedly made by Interior Minister Rehman Malik about --a transnational Islamic spiritual reformation movement.
In an open letter, Moonis writes: "I did not feel as much perturbed on being framed in a false case as I felt after hearing the Federal Interior Minister, Rehman Malik's poisonous comments on the role of Tableeghi Jamaat, made recently in London. Although, this is not the first time that Mr Malik has come in the limelight for his 'loose talk' but this time his comments have not only caused great pain to the Muslims of Pakistan but have also proven to be a source of bitter anguish for the global Muslim community at large. As a Muslim, I feel that it is my religious right and obligation to respond to Malik's sullied and irresponsible comments before somebody out of his mind starts taking such nonsensical comments seriously."
He says: "As we all know, Tableeghi Jamaat is a transnational religious movement which primarily aims at Islamic spiritual reformation by working at the grassroots, reaching out to Muslims across all social and economic spectra. This movement has promoted peace and harmony across the world and has always condemned evils like terrorism and sectarianism in unequivocal terms. It is a fact known to everyone that despite holding the second largest congregation of Muslims in the world after Hajj one cannot find a single incident where any of the organisers or participants has ever been allowed to bring firearms at the congregation venue. It is also an acknowledged fact that millions of Tableeghi Jamaat members have travelled the world far and wide and never has any foreign government or an important foreign dignitary ever held their activities questionable. Even after the 9/11 debacle in the aftermath of which names of many extremist individuals and outfits came to the fore, at no occasion was Tableeghi Jamaat branded among them."
Moonis says: "I have no hesitation in saying that Rehman Malik's comments have not only hurt the sentiments of the Muslims of Pakistan but have also rendered an irreparable blow to the country's reputation abroad. If by associating the despicable terms of 'terrorism and brainwashing with a peaceful Islamic movement like Tableeghi Jamaat, Malik's intent was to please any worldly power then he should know that casting such aspersions means nothing to those who place Allah Above All.
"I appeal the Honourable President and Prime Minister of the Islamic Democratic Republic of Pakistan to immediately take serious notice of the Federal Interior Minister's irresponsible remarks. I also appeal to the two Excellencies to contemplate promulgation of immediate steps to prevent repetition of such unfortunate incidents in future. And last but not least, I also appeal to the country's high-ups to particularly 'Control' Rehman Malik from hurting the nation's sentiments and from repeatedly embarrassing the country and in this particular case the Muslim Ummah by his reckless and irresponsible statements."

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