'No specific curbs on diplomats' movements'

31 Jul, 2011

Pakistan on Saturday clarified that no US-specific restrictions have been applied on the movements of diplomats, saying that Islamabad is fully mindful of its obligations under the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations. In response to a question regarding travel curbs on US diplomats, Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Tehmina Junjua, said that no US-specific restrictions have been applied.
However, there are general guidelines regarding travel of Pakistan-based diplomats, designed only to ensure their safety and security, which have existed for a long time, she added. However, foreign media, while quoting an unnamed US official, stated that Pakistan has placed new travel restrictions on American diplomats living in the country.
It is also pertinent to mention here that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government on July 20 and 21 stopped entry of US diplomats into Peshawar and sent them back to Islamabad on the ground that they did not have 'No-Objection Certificates' (NOCs). "Pakistan is fully mindful of its obligations under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations", Tehmina said, adding that the Foreign Ministry was having a constructive engagement with the US Embassy in Islamabad in this regard.

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