New Year begins with modest activity on grain market

02 Jan, 2011

The New Year began with modest trading on the wholesales grain and seed market on Saturday as most of the dealers and participants were on the sidelines due to scant interest in fresh purchasing, dealers said. On the cereal side makai gained Rs 25 to Rs 2575-2600, other items maintained their overnight levels. Gur low type did not move any side at Rs 6600 and best type posted fresh gain of Rs 200 t Rs 7200. Khandsari was quoted at Rs 9000-10,000, they said.
Only one deal was reported on the rice sector, where Irri-6 Sindh low type rose by Rs 50 to Rs 2400 and best quality was up by Rs 25 to Rs 2425 due to strong demand, they said. On the seed side cottonseeds oilcake with bag inferior type fell slightly by Rs 10 to Rs 1270 while the good type was unchanged at Rs 1300, other items retained the overnight levels in process lacklustre activity, they said.

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