Nawaz lays stress on Meesaq-e-Pakistan

18 Oct, 2010

Urging all political forces to sink their personal differences, PML-N Chief Nawaz Sharif on Sunday stressed on Meesaq-e-Pakistan (Accord for Pakistan) setting out Pakistan's vision for the next 25 years based on strengthening democracy and institutions and economic reforms.
Addressing a news conference in Goodmayes, East London, the PML-N leader was hopeful that his suggestion would be acceptable to all the political parties, who, he added must come together to help the country out of its current political and economic problems.
Harshly criticising President Asif Ali Zardari, he asked him to apologise from the nation and return all the looted fortunes of the country to its people.
He accused the president of breaching all the promises and agreements in the past. Had Zardari restored the judiciary earlier as promised the nation would not be in such a mess, he added.
He blamed the president for the crisis and said that he should not exploit the country for his own benefits. Nawaz Sharif, has said that the President is responsible for the sorry-state of affairs of the country.
He further said if the deteriorating situation of the country was left unaddressed then everyone would be responsible for it. "We do not want a Pakistan where there is no reverence for the judiciary," he added. Mian Nawaz Sharif said the country is in deep crisis at the moment.
PML-N leader blamed the government for always being on the begging side, distorting the state's image.
He said Meesaq-e-Pakistan would be the best solution taking the country out of host of challenges being faced by it. "We should all work together to make a strong Pakistan that enjoys respect in the comity of nations," he said adding that this accord should cover all the aspects of national life including foreign policy, Kashmir issue, economic reforms, respect of constitution, human rights, independent judiciary and other matters that addresses the current ills.
Explaining further, Sharif said all parties should agree to this 25-year vision of making Pakistan a progressive and developed country.
Sharif reiterated that President Asif Ali Zardari is a constitutionally elected President and PML-N was ready to work for the promotion and consolidation of democracy in the country. He was of the view that the democracy in Pakistan was in danger and it was imperative to fortify it through measures that enjoy popular support. Sharif called for holding to account all those who usurped the constitution, arrested members of higher judiciary and killed Baluchistan politician Nawab Akbar Bugti. The PML-N leader called for the fulfilment of all commitments under Charter of Democracy signed in the course of the All Parties Conference held in London in 2007.
Nawaz Sharif expressed his concern over the situation in Karachi and underscored the importance of Government implementing its writ in a forceful manner to stop the ongoing blood shed.

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