Gareth Bale banned from playing football?

Real Madrid has banned Gareth Bale from playing football on his own soccer pitch at his £4m home – in case he hurts
02 Aug, 2017

Real Madrid has banned Gareth Bale from playing football on his own soccer pitch at his £4m home – in case he hurts himself.

The multi-millionaire superstar put in goalposts and white pitch markings to have a kick around with pals when he’s home in Wales.

But Real Madrid has barred him from playing at home because he’s not covered by their insurance.

His fiancee Emma has told him to kick the pitch into touch and turn it back into a lawn for their two little girls to play on.

A close family friend said: “Gareth fell in love with the converted farmhouse because he could have his own pitch in the grounds.

Bale, 27, almost missed out on the Champion’s League final in Cardiff after recovering from ankle ligament damage to come on as a second-half substitute.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2017

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