Sarkozy turns on the charm at farm show

Opening the Paris farm show, one of the biggest events in France's political agenda, Sarkozy condemned again financial speculation of grain markets and told farmers he would seek measures among the G20 to make grain markets less volatile.

"What other country than ours condemns speculation the way we do?" Sarkozy told a cattle farmer at the show.

Sarkozy who may seek re-election next year but is struggling against chronically low approval ratings, was on a charm offensive at the show, which can draw half a million visitors.

He broke with security several times to sign photographs and touch babies' heads.

This is a marked contrast to three years ago when Sarkozy made headlines by losing his temper and swearing at a farmer. Since then he has worked to smooth relations by making a string of speeches on farm issues.

But tension remains. Some animal farmers at the show wore red T-shirts saying 'meat producers are angry'.

"One should not think about farmers only a year before election. He should have been thinking about us for the past four years." said Alain Lescure, a farmer."

Copyright Reuters, 2011

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