New York Fashion Week '05

New York Fashion Week ’05 Arts and Entertainment, third prize stories 00-02-2005 Backstage scenes from the N
16 Jun, 2017

New York Fashion Week ’05

Arts and Entertainment, third prize stories


Backstage scenes from the New York Fashion Week. Twice yearly, US and international designers present their new collections in huge air-conditioned marquees in Bryant Park. The event does not only attract top models and designers, but also celebrities and socialites, lured in by the invitation-only shows and parties.

Commissioned by: Magnum Photos for Olympus

Location: New York City, New York, USA


Photo Credit: Paolo Pellegrin

Paolo Pellegrin was born in 1964 in Rome, Italy. He studied architecture at Sapienza Università di Roma, before moving on to photography at the Istituto Italiano di Fotografia, also in the Italian capital. Between 1991 and 2001, Pellegrin was represented by Agence VU in Paris. In 2001, he became a Magnum Photos nominee, and a full member in 2005. He is a contract photographer for Newsweek magazine in the US and Zeit magazine in Germany.

Pellegrin’s books include Paolo Pellegrin (Kunstfoyer der Versicherungskammer Bayern 2012); Dies Irae (Contrasto, Italy, 2011), Paolo Pellegrin (Actes Sud, 2010); As I Was Dying (Actes Sud, France, 2007), Double Blind (Trolley, 2007), Kosovo 1999-2000: The Flight of Reason (Trolley, USA, 2002), L'au delà est là (Le Point du Jour, France, 2001), Cambogia (Federico Motta Editore, Italy, 1998), and Bambini (Sinnos, Italy, 1997).

Pellegrin is the winner of many awards, including ten World Press Photo awards and numerous Photographer of the Year awards, as well as a Leica Medal of Excellence, an Olivier Rebbot Award, the Hansel-Meith Preis, and the Robert Capa Gold Medal Award. In 2006, he was assigned the W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography. He lives in New York and London.


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