Drizzling in Karachi, rain expected within 24 hours

Rain with gusty winds is expected within 24 hours in Karachi, as predicted by Pakistan Meteorological Department. Th
16 Jun, 2017

Rain with gusty winds is expected within 24 hours in Karachi, as predicted by Pakistan Meteorological Department. The current temperature of the city is 32 Celsius, with light drizzling in several parts of the city.

However, pre-monsoon rains in most parts of the country will begin in the last week of June, according to met office.

“In the coming days a few rain spells are expected in upper Punjab, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P), Islamabad and Gilgit-Baltistan (G-B), which will bring down the temperature letting people enjoy the last week of Ramazan followed by Eid holidays” , PMD Director General Dr Ghulam Rasul told the Express Tribune.

Mostly these rain spells will start late in the evenings and continue till early morning, he added.

The weather in different parts of the country has been pleasant since last few days, making it easier for people to fast during Ramazan, as compared to first ten days of the month. The expected rain and low temperature will continue till Eid-ul-Fitr holidays.

“Temperatures will keep fluctuating between 35 Celsius to 40 Celsius with showers, thunderstorm, hailstorm and gusty winds in upper Punjab, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P), Islamabad and Gilgit-Baltistan (G-B)”, predicted Rasul.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2017

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