IN SHORT:-Samsung launches iPhone look-alike Omnia

16 Jun, 2008

Korean technology group Samsung launched a new touch-screen smart-phone named Omnia. Like the iPhone, Samsung's Omnia aims to make Internet browsing easy, and has a wide screen for viewing video as well as music capabilities and a 5 megapixel camera.
It runs on Microsoft Windows Mobile software. The original iPhone transformed the market for so-called smart-phones with computer-like functions a year ago and the industry is eager to see whether Apple can repeat its success with a new version, expected to run on faster, 3G networks.
According to Samsung, the Omnia resembles the original iPhone in its dark, shiny finish, curved edges and slim form. The phone will be unveiled at the CommunicAsia trade fair in Singapore starting June 17 and go on sale in south-east Asia that week. It will be available in Europe in July.

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