Angela Merkel irked by Trump and UK

German Chancellor Angela Merkel believes Europe can no longer completely depend on the US and UK, saying it should b
29 May, 2017

German Chancellor Angela Merkel believes Europe can no longer completely depend on the US and UK, saying it should be prepared to “take its fate into its own hands”.

Merkel’s remarks came at the time when the G7 and Nato talks proved unhealthy between the major wealthy countries of the world.

Merkel was speaking at an election rally in Munich on Sunday when she stated: “The times in which we could completely depend on others are, to a certain extent, over. I’ve experienced that in the last few days, ‘We Europeans’ truly have to take our fate into our own hands”, reported The Guardian.

In Merkel’s view, the G7 group and Nato alliance is ‘badly undermined’ by Trump’s election as US president and UK’s Brexit vote.

G7 and Nato summits are testimonial to fundamental differences that exist between the approaches of Trump and other leaders of the developed countries.

The major failure of the recent G7 summit and Nato meeting that caused Merkel’s agitation are:

Failed climate change deal:

US President Donald Trump refused to recommit to the 2015 Paris climate change deal at the G7 summit in Sicily, saying “he would make a decision in the coming week”.

Trump had previously pledged to abandon Paris deal as well, expressing doubts about climate change.

Remaining G7 countries that include UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan agreed to support the Paris accord.

Merkel described the climate change talk at the G7 summit as "very unsatisfactory".

Trump’s belief that Nato members are ‘unfair’ to US:

At the Nato summit in Brussels, Trump repeated his accusations that other members of the alliance were failing to match America’s military spending commitment of 2% of GDP, saying this was “not fair” on US taxpayers.

Moreover, in separate talks in Brussels, Trump described German trade practices as “bad, very bad” and complained that Germany, Europe’s largest economy, sells too many cars to the US.

By contrast, Merkel said Germany would continue to remain on good terms with the US, Britain and other countries, “even with Russia”, but added: “We have to know that we must fight for our future on our own, for our destiny as Europeans.”

Merkel’s inclination towards Europe, especially France is also evident by the close bond between Merkel and newly elected French President Emmanuel Macron, who shares her pro free-trade and Europhile values.

Merkel made clear that Germany would do what it could to help France in a bid to revive the ailing Franco-German engine that long powered Europe. “Where Germany can help, Germany will help,” she said to loud applause, “because Germany can only do well if Europe is doing well.”

Merkel is campaigning for the September election, where her chances to be elected as Chancellor for the fourth time are stronger. Merkel knows that by standing for EU, she is even strengthening her chances.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2017

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