Jute goods mixed on Jodia Bazaar

02 Oct, 2007

The trading on jute goods closed mixed on Jodia Bazaar here on Monday. The following variations were noted.
JUTE GOODS TWINE (Per kg): 20x3 Brown went lower by Re 1 at Rs 44, 16x3 CRT/Indus edged down by Re 1 at Rs 44, 8x3 was quoted at Rs 71 and 40x2 Brown moved upward by 50 paisa at Rs 41.50.
HESSIAN CLOTH (Per 91.44 meter): 45x10 Amin closed up by Rs 100 at Rs 2,050, 45x11 went higher by Rs 100 at Rs 2,200, 50x9 closed upward by Rs 75 at Rs 1,950, 45x9 showed higher by Rs 75 at Rs 1,950 and 45x8 Thul ended up by Rs 50 at Rs 1,600.

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