Make bridges without straw: eight killed in Northern Bypass collapse

02 Sep, 2007

A Northern Bypass bridge, which was inaugurated by President Pervez Musharraf just last month collapsed on Saturday, killing at least eight people and leaving another 20 injured with more trapped under the debris, officials said. Rescuers were trying to clear the wreckage to retrieve survivors amid fears the death toll could rise, they said.
The bridge connected Hub with Gulbai, leading to Site area and Karachi, served as major link with upcountry to the Karachi port. Till our going to press, two bodies were still trapped under the rubble could not be retrieved. It may be recalled that the newly constructed Northern Bypass bridge at Paracha Chowk in Shershah area, was constructed at a cost of Rs 2.92 billion.
According to eyewitnesses, the incident occurred around 2 pm as one portion of the bypass in front of the Paracha Textile Mill suddenly collapsed, crushing two cars - AMK- 417 and AMA-795 - and overturning two trailers which fell on the road leading to Gulbai along the bridge.
Drivers of the trailers and cars, a vendor of corn-roaster, an unknown man and a woman died on the spot. Two other persons, including a woman, could not be identified as their bodies were trapped under the rubble of the collapsed bridge.
Only two of the dead, who were shifted to Civil and Abbasi Shaheed Hospitals, could be identified as Ali Muhammad and Rizwan. While the injured comprised of Yasir Ashfaq, Nazakat Anwar and her daughter Safia, Murad Bibi, Mohammad Qasim, Safdar Janatwala, Yasin Mujahid, Aalam, Abid Hussain, Amir Abdullah, Zohaib, Safdar, Iqbal Lasi and nine-year-old Saima.
The machinery brought by the City District Government Karachi (CDGK) for removing the debris of the bridge was insufficient and difficulties were faced in cutting the fallen beams of the bridge to retrieve the trapped woman's body.
A rescue helicopter of the Edhi Foundation hovered over the incident site and about 50 ambulances remained functional in the rescue operation. Similarly, four trailers and two cranes were brought by the CDGK to remove the debris and lift the broken beams and other structural parts of the bridge.
Meanwhile, angry mob, mostly area people, stoned Rangers personnel Muhammad Hanif, who was on duty. Injured Safdar Jantwala told Business Recorder that he and his brother were waiting for a bus when the bridge collapsed.
Eyewitnesses and local residents said that the bridge was constructed lately and apparently there was nothing dangerous, which could lead to this tragedy. However, the incident was so sudden and unbelievable that everyone was shocked and panicked.
It was observed that the steel bars used in the construction of the bridge beams, which were littered on the road, were of substandard quality and were less than one-and-half inch thick in diameter. According to some renowned consultants TOR was substandard steel and its use in construction was banned in Europe and the USA.
They questioned as to who recommended use of the TOR in the construction of the Northern Bypass bridge, and were surprised why TMT standard quality steel bars which, according to international standards, had not been used.
Residents strongly criticised the construction firm and the government for the bridge collapse, and demanded a judicial inquiry to ascertain the facts behind this incident, claiming several precious lives. They said that the construction firm instead of building the bridge straight had given a curve at the point from where the bridge collapsed. Adding that the material used in the construction of the bridge was unsuitable and substandard. Meanwhile, officials of the CDGK avoided to respond to the queries of the newsmen.

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