PAF safety concerns

28 Feb, 2007

More PAF aircraft have been lost during peace time, than during active war duty. These losses include all types of aircraft, ranging from F16, Mirages, F6 etc. Does this not point to serious lapses in the Air Force maintenance and engineering division, or is it pilot training which is the cause.
While PAF hosts Aviation Safety week, it needs to do some honest self assessment, vis-à-vis their deteriorating standards, as compared to what they were during the times of Nur Khan, or Asghar Khan.
This poor nation cannot afford such mounting losses, which are brushed aside as routine matter. The recent PIA Fokker crash occurred under a lot of scrutiny, ironically by PAF retired officers. What about the PAF aircraft that have crashed during last year. It is time PAF puts its own act in order, instead of focusing on PIA or CAA for promoting their career opportunities.
If these high profile officers in engineering have anything to offer, it does not show by their performance in PAF or its safety record, except perhaps their accident investigation staff, provided their is a semblance of investigation following these several crashes.

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