Provinces asked to monitor gastro at district level

04 Jun, 2006

The Ministry of Health has asked all the provinces to immediately constitute provincial and district committees to undertake continuous monitoring of water supply at source, in the supply lines and at users' end.
According to an official of Ministry of Health, the ministry taking note of the presence of gastro-enteritis in different districts of the country resulting from consumption of unsafe water and non-observance of proper sanitation had issued this direction.
They have been asked to ensure proper disposal of various types of waste and maintenance of sanitation at all levels. Public awareness is of utmost importance in prevention from gastro-enteritis therefore the provincial and district committees would intensify the health education drive to educate the masses on improved personal hygiene, use of boiled water and chlorine tablets in drinking water, safe food handling and preparation practices.
The committee would also seek assistance of lady health workers in informing and educating the public besides ensuring adequate supply of ORS and medical supplies.

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