CDA launches anti-encroachment drive

04 Jun, 2006

Capital Development Authority (CDA) on Saturday launched an anti-encroachment drive around the Rawal Lake to retrieve about 600 kanals of the state land.
Assadullah Faiz, CDA Director Enforcement told this correspondent that almost 100 kanals area was retrieved from the occupiers during the first day of the drive, which would continue till removal of all the encroachments.
He said at least 600 kanals land at Lakwal village had been illegally occupied by the locals with the support of a politician Raja Jamil Abbasi. The police arrested him on Saturday under Section 186 on a FIR lodged by the CDA, he added.
Besides, the encroachments in the village, these people had also started fencing and constructing compound walls in the area of Rawal Lake, he said.
At least three houses and other compound walls were demolished by the enforcement directorate staff, which were illegally constructed within the limit of the lake, he added.

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