President and Prime Minister for reinforcing ties with China

04 Jun, 2006

President Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz have expressed their desire to reinforce Pakistan's traditional friendship with China on "a strong and vibrant economic partnership."
In their separate messages read out on the occasion of 55 years of Pak-China friendship celebrations on Friday night in Beijing, they expressed confidence to promote socio-economic ties between the two countries.
President Musharraf in his message lauded the "great national accomplishment" of Chinese nation saying Islamabad would take its relations with Beijing to ever-greater heights in the 21 century.
Prime Minister Aziz said Pakistan was determined to work together with the people and the government of China to further strengthen these close relations.
At the celebrations, Pakistan ambassador to China Salman Bashir announced on behalf of President Musharraf the conferment of civil awards to 29 Chinese dignitaries for their outstanding contribution to enhance Pak-China relations.

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