Commonwealth ready for mediation in Kashmir issue

04 Jun, 2006

Commonwealth Secretary General Don McKinnon has said he is ready to play a role in finding a peaceful solution of the Kashmir issue, provided both Pakistan and India welcome it.
He was briefing the press at the Commonwealth Secretariat following his talks with the Prime Minister of Malta and current chairperson-in-office of the Commonwealth Dr Lawrence Gonzi here late on Friday. Answering a question he said any talks between Pakistan and India "are fruitful, can bring about a lasting peace" in the region.
"As a Commonwealth we only really wish to be involved in those areas where both sides would welcome us", McKinnon said. He said the focus of his discussion with Dr Gonzi was to see how best the Secretariat could have followed up the decisions taken at the Heads of the Commonwealth meeting in Malta in November last year.
McKinnon said the post of the chairperson-in-office was created in this summit and from now on, the head of the Government of a country would take this post for two years where the Heads of the Commonwealth would meet next. As the last summit was held in Malta hence the Prime Minister of Malta became chairperson.

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