US hails Pakistan's efforts for relief work

16 Apr, 2006

The State Department Spokesman on Friday said the Government of Pakistan had devoted a great deal of resources to the relief work of the earthquake affectees of the October 8 calamity. He said Pakistan had long-term plan for improving the lives of affected by the earthquake.
Responding to a question, Sean McCormack said in the regular press briefing that Pakistan government was not only devoting towards "immediate relief" of the victims of those earthquakes, but was "also looking at a long-term plan for rebuilding these areas and improving lives for people in those areas."
The Spokesman told the questioner that it was for the government of Pakistan to decide about its budget priorities.
He said after a few days of the October 8 earthquake, US Secretary of State visited Pakistan and met President General Pervez Musharraf and high officials.
As to the matter of F16s, the State Department Spokesman told the questioner that it was up to Pakistan to decide, and that "you can ask the Government of Pakistan about that."

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